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Welcome to Cannington School!
The Adventure Starts Here

You are wondering if a bigger school might offer more for your child, but bigger is not always best when it comes to the relationship between student learning and school size. Research is showing that far from being disadvantaged by attending small schools, children actually do better.

Children are not overlooked or isolated at Cannington. Everybody’s participation is needed for team activities, and children at Cannington School come to know and care about each other to a greater degree than is possible in bigger schools.

Children at Cannington School  tend to take more responsibility for their own learning, learning activities are more individualised, classes are smaller, and teachers employ multi-age grouping and cooperative learning.

Children feel a greater sense of engagement, belonging, and personal value when their classmates and teachers get to know them. This in turn has a positive effect on behaviour and behavioural problems.

Parents and teachers become allies in fostering student success.  Communication between staff is easier, and they are able to work together to build a high-quality curriculum across disciplines and levels. Teachers have greater job satisfaction as a result.

Cannington School was established in 1856 and derives its name from Cannington Station which occupied the land south of the Pareora River and west of the White Rock River. 

It is a well-established rural school 30 minutes from Timaru. Most of our pupils travel to school by bus and come from as far away as Cave in the north and Maungati in the south.

Cannington School is a full primary school (Year 0 - 8). 

Cannington School is well resourced with a separate library, adventure playground, and a swimming pool which is used by all of the community. The school is wheelchair accessible. 

The students at Cannington School are involved in many experiences outside the classroom and parent support is always tremendous. Activities cover sports tournaments, camp for Year 4-8 each year, skiing, ice skating, pet day, and trips involving relevant curriculum areas.

What's happening at Cannington School?

Upcoming Events in February

Thu 20


20 Feb 2025

Latest Notices

Albury Triathlon 2025
5 Feb 2025

Hi All

A permission form has been loaded for the Albury school triathlon on the 20/02/2025.

Please complete the form and return it asap.

Many thanks

Cannington School Staff

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Temuka Transport JJ Limited - Timaru Vet Life Pleasant Point Maungati Lime Co Ltd Turnbull Grain and Seed St Andrews Transport 1990 ABC Contracting Don Mclean Flooring First Hammond Homes Shane Spiers - Colliers Rural
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